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Course Descriptions

Here you can check out all of the courses we offer. If you don't see an upcoming event for a course you'd like to take, reach out to us and we can get it on the schedule!

  • Police Dispatcher Essentials
    This Course is NJ OETS Approved. Attendees will get 8 BasicCTE's and 6 EMD CTE's. Police dispatchers play an important role in providing crucial information to officers on the street. However, if they don’t obtain or relay the right information not only can an officer’s life be in jeopardy, but it can also lead to the suppression of evidence, unconstitutional investigative detentions, and searches. This course is designed to give police dispatchers a basic understanding of arrest, search, and seizure so they can obtain and relay the information officers will need to lawfully interact with citizens. The more information that is obtained and relayed, the easier it will be for an officer to conduct a proper and lawful investigative detention. Course Highlights Include: Questions to ask an anonymous caller reporting a crime. Questions to ask an anonymous caller reporting a subject armed with a firearm. Prioritizing questions to ask during a critical incident. The difference between a known caller and an anonymous tip. Information needed to corroborate an anonymous tip so an officer can conduct an investigative detention. Techniques for dealing with a hysterical caller. Reliability of 9-1-1 calls versus main line calls. And much more…
  • Critical Incident Dispatch: Practical to Tactical
    The successful management of any critical incident begins with the public safety telecommunicator. This course teaches PST’s how to manage and prioritize resources during critical incidents ranging from active shooters to weather related events.
  • Case Law for Cops: The Basics!
    Case law is difficult, right? Not anymore. This program breaks down complex case law into an easy-to-understand format that focuses on the "best practices" when interacting with the public. Throughout the class, real-world scenario-based examples are reviewed to ensure officers know how to apply what they have learned. Some of the many topics covered are mere inquiry, when to conduct an investigative detention, common search scenarios, use of force, warrantless entries, and more. (1 Day)
  • Case Law for Cops: The Patrol Edition
    This program is designed to give law enforcement officers the tools they need to be successful on the streets. The program goes in-depth with case law to cover investigative detentions, conducting motor vehicle stops, extending motor vehicle stops, developing probable cause to search motor vehicles, and arresting occupants. We will also cover behaviors and items to be observed while conducting investigations. Finally, we will review when questioning in the streets requires the administration of Miranda warnings and how to use your body-worn camera to your advantage. (1 Day)
  • Case Law for Cops: Miranda
    Many of us were able to recite the Miranda warnings from watching TV long before we became cops. However, do we really understand them? This class focuses on the basics of Miranda, when officers are required to advise suspects of their Miranda rights, and how to obtain a valid waiver. We’ll also dispel the myth that only detectives advise subjects of their Miranda warnings. The use of body-worn cameras has given defense attorneys a front-row seat to police-citizen encounters to argue “custody.” This class will teach officers how to obtain valid statements and capture them on their body-worn camera. (1 Day)
  • Case Law for Cops: Report Writing
    Most issues for officers are caused not by their actions, but by their documentation of said actions. This class will change that! While many other report-writing classes focus on sentence structure, we focus on content. Proper grammar and punctuation are certainly important, but in the legal world, there is more of an emphasis on content. We’ll cover common areas that MUST be addressed in reports that involve investigative detentions or arrests, warrantless arrests, warrantless searches, entries, the use of force, and much more. We guarantee this class will take your report writing to the next level! (1 Day)
  • Case Law for Cops: The K9 Edition
    The role of a K9 officer in law enforcement is complex. They need to be well-versed in case law governing search and seizure, use of force, tracking, and proper deployment of a K9. This class provides K9 officers with a solid foundation of knowledge as well as recent case law updates. (1 Day)
  • Case Law for Cops: Legal Update
    This program is designed to update law enforcement officers with all significant changes in case law, statutes, use of force and other critical areas. The legal aspects of law enforcement are constantly changing and as professionals we need to stay current. This one-day course will do that! During the program we will review new case law, amended and recently enacted statutes, updated Attorney General Guidelines, use of force and more!
  • Case Law for Cops: Search Warrants for Beginners
    At some point during your career, you will need to write a search warrant, and courts have consistently emphasized that a warrant is the preferred method to conduct a search to make an arrest. This class is geared to those with little to no search warrant training or experience. During this one-day course, we will teach officers how to properly write and execute search warrants and arrest warrants. No matter what your assignment is, this class is a MUST! Course highlights include: writing your qualifications, how to properly write your affidavit, developing an operations plan, executing “Knock and Announce” warrants and “No Knock” warrants, when officers are not required to “Knock and Announce” before executing a warrant, warrant execution case law, and much more. (1 Day)
  • Case Law for Cops: Entries
    One of the most challenging decisions a law enforcement officer can make is when to make an entry into a home. Whether armed with a warrant or entering under an exception to the warrant requirement strict rules must be followed to ensure the entry is reasonable. Failure to follow these rules may result in the suppression of evidence or civil rights claim. During this course we will give you a comprehensive review of case law in this critical area. Some of the topics covered will be: Proper execution and entry with a warrant The Knock and Announce Rule Exceptions to the Knock and Announce Rule The Emergency Aid Doctrine & Community Caretaking Hot Pursuit and Fresh Pursuit into a Home When a 9-1-1 call can justify an entry Entry to make a warrantless arrest or seize evidence Dealing with a barricaded criminal verses a barricaded EDP And much more……
  • Cops and Kids
    If officers are ever going to doubt themselves, it will likely be while dealing with a juvenile. Juvenile laws are complex and difficult to keep up with. This one-day program provides an overview of the “dos and don’ts” when dealing with young offenders and victims. Our experienced Juvenile Officer will review Curbside Adjustments v. Stationhouse Adjustments, how to work with school officials during investigations, when a juvenile should be taken into custody, how and when to interview a juvenile, releasing a juvenile on their own recognizance, how to enforce cannabis and alcohol violations, and more. (1 Day)
  • Kids in Crises
    Too often, police officers are dispatched to assist with an “out-of-control child” and their arrival can make things worse. If we expect responding officers to handle such incidents, they need the proper tools. This class is instructed by a child crisis specialist who will teach officers to identify the type of crisis the child is experiencing and the best strategy to address it. For example, is the child throwing a “tantrum” or having a “meltdown?” Are they on the autism spectrum? Are they non-verbal? If they cannot identify the problem, they’ll never find the right solution. (1 Day)
  • School Resource Officer: Back to School Update
    Today’s School Resource Officer is expected to not only keep our students safe but have a solid understanding of both juvenile and education law, a challenging feat for any law enforcement professional, but do not worry, we can help! This one-day program provides a comprehensive overview on how to collaborate with school officials when conducting investigations, searches, and threat assessments. Topics covered include investigating marijuana violations, when school officials are required to notify law enforcement, conducting searches and interviews with school officials while staying within lawful boundaries, investigating threats and threat assessment, current active shooter/killer trends, bullying incidents versus criminal conduct, active shooter signs, de-escalation techniques for kids and much more.
  • Mastering Motor Vehicle Laws: New Jersey Edition
    Motor vehicle laws can be complex and confusing. This one-day course provides a simple explanation of the most common violations officers encounter while on patrol and is designed to provide officers with the “best practices” when conducting motor vehicle stops. The program also introduces officers to detecting possible criminal conduct during stops. Officers will get an overview of pre-stop indicators, analyzing behavior, roadside questioning, developing probable cause for search, and much more.
  • Cannabis Impairment Detection and DWI Case Law Update
    The legalization of marijuana has created a new challenge for law enforcement officers: investigating driving while under the influence of cannabis. Drugged-driving indicators are different than those of driving under the influence of alcohol. This one-day class is designed to give officers a comprehensive overview of the signs, symptoms, indicators, and roadside tests that can help an officer determine if a driver is under the influence of cannabis. Officers will also get an overview of basic DWI case law, as well as a review of recent DWI decisions.
  • Motor Vehicle Stops – Identifying Fraudulent Documents
    Can you recognize a fake driver’s license or insurance card? What about a fraudulent temp tag? Do you know the proper charges? We’re pleased to announce a partnership with Vasil ID Training for this one-day class, which will give you the tools you need to recognize fraudulent documents and temp tags during motor vehicle stops, as well as proper charging. This class will be hands-on! During the program, you will get practical hands-on experience in identifying fraudulent documents.
  • Motor Vehicle Stops: Tactics and Techniques
    Although considered routine, traffic stops can prove to be fatal when officers lack knowledge of basic tactics. This course focuses on officer safety and survival during motor vehicle stops. Topics covered include routine to high-risk motor vehicle stops, proper use of a motor vehicle for cover and concealment, use of force engagements in and around motor vehicles, vehicle extractions, and relevant case law.
  • Motor Vehicle Stops: Fraudulent Tag Enforcement Training
    This course offers comprehensive training on identifying and combating fraudulent temporary tags. Participants will learn about the most common trends used to manipulate license plates and evade detection. The course includes instruction on utilizing tools such as Carfax and other databases to verify vehicle information and detect potential fraud. Through hands-on exercises and real-world case studies, law enforcement officers and relevant personnel will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively enforce temporary tag regulations and combat fraudulent activities in the region, including recent updates for filing criminal charges.
  • Roadside Drug Investigations
    You have made a motor vehicle stop based on reasonable suspicion and suspect that the occupants may be involved in the drug trade or other criminal activity, but you are not sure what to do. We have you covered! In this class, we review current drug trends, items to look for, questions you should ask, and cues and behaviors be aware of to determine if the occupants are involved in criminal activity. We also cover an in-depth review of when probable cause exists for a search and whether you should try to get consent or apply for a search warrant. (1 Day)
  • D.O.P.E. – Drug Operations Proven Effective
    This course offers the opportunity to learn and explore methods and techniques that are proven in the field of narcotics investigations. Whether you are on patrol or an experienced detective, this course offers unique insight into case strategies that are often underutilized and overlooked. Course highlights include target identification, successful culmination of an investigation, and everything in between. Come learn techniques that have proven to be successful! (1 Day)
  • Navigating the World of Police Informants
    This program will explore the benefits and risks for patrol officers and detectives dealing with police informants. We will cover informant development techniques for use on patrol and/or as a detective; the proper gathering, use, and documentation of information provided by informants, and how to use that to assist and further your investigation. (1 Day)
  • D.O.P.E. - Drug Operations Proven Effective – The Patrol Edition
    This course offers patrol officers a unique insight to case strategies that are often underutilized and overlooked. Course highlights include current drug trends, drug and paraphernalia identification, developing informants, interview techniques, conducting a preliminary investigation of an overdose death and more!
  • Patrol Sergeant Essentials
    The patrol sergeant has a critical role in every law enforcement agency. This class provides patrol sergeants with the essential skills they need to effectively perform their duties with confidence. In this class, we cover the proper review of use of force incidents, managing critical incidents, crime scene management, reviewing reports, dealing with personnel issues, and much more! (1 Day)
  • In Crises or Disengaged – Unseen Wounds
    When an officer’s performance, attendance, and demeanor begin to deteriorate, it is assumed they have a “bad attitude” and the disciplinary process begins. Poor performance for any reason affects the quality of the agency and needs to be addressed. However, do we ever look for the cause? Maybe the officer is in crisis and needs intervention, not discipline. During the program, we teach skills to help differentiate the poor performer from the officer in crisis. (1 Day)
  • Level 1 – Sergeant Essentials: The First Line Supervisor
    The first-line supervisor has a critical role in every law enforcement agency and has an incredible impact on those who work for them. This class is designed for the various complexities that a first-line supervisor may face: use of force incidents, leadership during critical incidents, reviewing reports, effective communication, personnel issues, conflict resolution, and fundamentals of leadership. Additionally, students will participate in group discussions and practical exercises designed to help them engage with others and work through various issues using critical thinking and leadership skills learned during the course. (3 Days)
  • Level 2 – Mid-Manager Essentials: Managing from in Between
    The mid-level supervisor is an integral position in any agency, acting as the conduit between the agency administration and the rank and file. This class is specifically developed around the mid-level manager’s position, focusing on areas such as project planning and mission-oriented leadership, managing up and down the chain of command, leadership during critical incidents, time management, delegation, subordinate engagement, motivating employees, and focusing on the mission of the agency. Students will participate in group discussions and practical exercises to utilize critical thinking and leadership skills to problem solve. (3 Days)
  • FTO – Coaching, Educating & Evaluating
    One of the most critical positions in any police department is the Field Training Officer, who has the incredible responsibility of molding and training new officers to the acceptable standards of the agency. If the FTO is successful, the agency will flourish, with officers capable of fulfilling the agency’s mission. If the FTO fails, the agency will incur the burden of dealing with problem officers throughout their careers. This program is designed to give field training officers the tools they need to ensure a newly hired officer has every opportunity to be successful and become a productive member of the agency. (3 Days)
  • Tactical Command and Leadership for Law Enforcement Operations
    Managing a critical incident is one of the most challenging tasks for law enforcement supervisors. Decisions need to be made quickly and with solid reasoning. We have designed Tactical Command and Leadership to provide law enforcement professionals with those skills. This course is designed for law enforcement professionals that will be responsible for deploying officers during tactical operation and managing critical incidents. The focus of this training will be on the command decision making process, developing, and implementing operation plans, preparing before incidents with proper training, developing a tactical/containment team, proper selection of team personnel, criminal and civil liability concerns, case law review of critical incidents, tabletop exercises and more.
  • Internal Affairs for the First Line Supervisor
    Most Internal Affairs Investigations begin with the first-line supervisor, whether it is a complaint they receive from a citizen or an issue they observe. While the IA process may appear straightforward, it is very complex. This class is designed to provide the first-line supervisor with the tools they need to successfully receive and, in some circumstances, investigating an Internal Affairs issue. Some of the topics covered include accepting complaints, vetting of complaints to determine their nature, proper forwarding of complaints, (i.e. criminal, administrative, performance, policy) handling and documentation of a complainant relating to common police practices (misunderstanding), officer rights, interviewing techniques, conducting and documenting training and counseling, completing and formalizing your investigation and much more!
  • Use of Force Instructor
    Nothing is more challenging than teaching the use of force. This two-day program focuses on developing and executing a use-of-force program for agency in-service training. The program includes an in-depth review of critical case law and teaches attendees how to connect with the officers they are responsible for training by using scenario-based learning techniques. Some topics discussed will include de-escalation techniques, the perils of waiting too long to use force, developing training programs to include a variety of response options, how to safely create stress in the training environment, critical thinking drills, and more. The program includes PowerPoint materials, all relevant case law, exams, email updates, and access to staff for program consultation. (2 Days)
  • Jiu Jitsu Essentials for Law Enforcement
    This one-day program is designed to provide law enforcement officers with the basic tools to control combative suspects and bring them under control to avoid the incident escalating to the point where higher levels of force may become necessary. This program is in line with the current standards being proposed for PTC licensing.
  • Vehicle Extraction & Hidden Hands
    This training is being created due to the many current law enforcement experiences with violent resistive and dangerous subjects coupled with the rising hostility towards police officers and law enforcement in general. The need for proper vehicle extraction training is invaluable. Officers are expected to be able to handle a physical confrontation quickly, efficiently and professionally as they are ultimately responsible for the safety of all involved parties. The first response of a Law enforcement officer who gets into a verbal confrontation with a resisting occupant of a motor vehicle, should be to de-escalate and ask the suspect out of the vehicle. The Vehicle extraction training will be focused on when an officer is unable to de-escalate, and the resister refuses to get out of the vehicle. At this point, the officer must rely on force options to remove the suspect from the vehicle and place him/her under arrest. These techniques, when applied correctly, will remove the resistor from the vehicle without causing unnecessary injury to the suspect or the officer. These techniques give officers force options to effectively and safely remove a resisting suspect from a motor vehicle. Vehicle Extraction for Law Enforcement will provide participants with functional knowledge of Vehicle Extraction techniques to subdue non-compliant occupants. Participants will be able to demonstrate proper vehicle extraction techniques for effectiveness and safety of both the enlisted member and the suspect. This course was developed due to the rise of non-compliant occupants in motor vehicles, failing to provide proper identification and refusing to exit the vehicle. Having a functioning knowledge of vehicle extraction gives an officer the ability to quickly control a suspect and protects the officer against the dangers presented by a non-compliant occupant, including existing traffic and the occupant’s vehicle becoming a weapon against the officer. The techniques learned in this course are designed to keep both the officer and the suspect safe and have been proven in real life situations.
  • Defensive Tactics Instructor
    This 3-day Defensive Tactics Instructor course is a jiu jitsu based program designed to prepare officers to conduct agency in-service training. Officers who successfully complete this course will be able to assist with and provide agency in-service instruction. The course will provide attendees with a basic functional knowledge to perform, demonstrate and teach all aspects within the Police Training Commissions’ Defensive Tactics program.
  • New Jersey Concealed Carry – What all Cops Need to Know
    This program is designed to give officers a comprehensive overview of New Jersey's Concealed Carry Law. The program will include a review of the amended and enacted statutes, the "best practices" for interacting with a Concealed Carry permit holder, when you can compel identification and examine the concealed carry permit, officer safety, and much more! (Half Day)
  • Know their Rights; Know your Limits: Dealing with First Amendment Auditors
    We all cringe when we see viral videos of First Amendment auditors baiting police officers and they fall for it. Many police officers lack training on the First Amendment and what citizens are entitled to do. While citizens are allowed to exercise a right, they are not entitled to break a law to do so. This class explains when First Amendment encounters violate the law. It covers citizens recording in public, citizens recording the police, when citizens are not entitled to record, when recording the police constitutes an offense, and when an officer can request identification. It also explains to officers that New Jersey IS NOT a “Stop and Identify” state and that simply failing to identify oneself is not a violation. (Full-Day)
  • Drone Piloting for First Responders
    The first step in developing a Drone program is to train your Drone Pilots. This course will cover all the highly testable areas of the FAA Part 107 written knowledge exam. This one day course is designed to fully prepare you for the FAA Part 107 written knowledge exam. All of the testable subject areas will be thoroughly discussed. This course will give you all of the information you need to know to pass your exam and not bog you down with non testable material. Each student will have access to unlimited online practice exams that simulate the actual FAA test questions. We have taken all of the guesswork out of preparing for this exam, saving you time.
  • Social Media Methods and Community Engagement
    The "Social Media Methods and Community Engagement" course is a comprehensive program designed to equip law enforcement professionals with the skills necessary to effectively leverage social media for investigations, community engagement, and strategic communication. Participants will gain insights into selecting the right personnel, understanding essential equipment, and navigating legal considerations, including the complexities of the First Amendment and Open Public Records Act (OPRA) requests. The course covers a range of topics, from investigative techniques and community engagement strategies to policy development and practical exercises. By the end of the training, participants will be well-prepared to harness the power of social media, enhancing their agency's investigative capabilities, fostering positive community relationships, and maintaining a transparent and trustworthy online presence.
  • Promotional Preparation
    Our promotional program is designed to give candidates all the tools they need to dominate their promotional exam. During the program candidates will get a comprehensive overview of all the critical areas that are routinely on promotional exams. All promotional programs include: · In-Person Instruction · Webinars · Study Strategy Development with a Learning Specialist · Instruction on Adult Learning · A copy of the 2023 Law Enforcement Handbook · Management Book (Based on Availability) · Law Enforcement Handbook Study Guide and Webinars · Title 2C Study Guide and Webinars · Attorney General Guideline Study Guide and Webinars · Electronic Flashcards of Critical Areas · Management Book Breakdown and Webinars · Over 1000 test questions
  • Approaches and Tactical Navigation of Structures
    How often do we hear about officers being ambushed while approaching a house to investigate a domestic violence call or being assaulted upon entering a home? This class provides officers with the "best practices" for approaching, entering, and navigating buildings during police operations. This course is designed for patrol officers to improve their basic tactical movement skills when clearing buildings and other structures. Topics covered include exterior approach methods; room clearing; navigating doorways, hallways, and stairwells; use of angles, proper use of cover and concealment, and relevant case law.
  • Critical Combat Care
    Law enforcement officers deal with violence daily, but surviving the threat is only a part of the equation. Do you have the skills to keep yourself or others alive when critically injured? This class provides officers with the knowledge, tools, and skills they will need to save their life or the life of a fellow officer or citizen during a violent critical incident. Topics include how to conduct a patient assessment; patient evacuation considerations; methods to properly lift, carry, and drag patients; massive hemorrhage control with chest seals, wound packing and tourniquets, selecting the best gear and equipment, and Stop the Bleed certification.
  • Patrol Response to Critical Incidents
    Imagine you have been dispatched to a person threatening to commit suicide in their home. Do you make an entry? The answer is more complex than you think! This program is designed to give first-line supervisors a comprehensive overview of the "best practices" when dealing with the initial response to a critical incident such as a barricaded subject, hostage situation, etc. During the program, participants will engage in tabletop exercises and discussions on critical incidents. (1 Day)
  • Close Quarter Clearance for Patrol
    This hands-on course is designed to give patrol officers the basics skills they need to clear structures. Patrol officers are routinely called upon to enter homes to execute search warrants, conduct welfare checks, investigate crimes in progress, respond to emergencies and to investigate alarm activations, to name only a few. Unfortunately, many officers don’t possess the basic tactical skills they need to maximize their safety. To often we hear of officers being shot or ambushed when entering homes or buildings. Our goal is to provide patrol officers with a solid tactical foundation so they can properly and safely enter and clear structures. Some topics covered included: Priorities of Threats Priorities of Life Areas of Responsibility Implementation of Tactics Threshold Evaluations & Entry Corner Fed & Center Fed Rooms Common Walls & Hard Walls Hallway Movement Search to Contact Vs. Direct to Contact Contact & Cover And much more…


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